You are Welcome
All boats rise together: our commitment to all of us.
We are committed to investing in all of us without exception.
Though our organization is small, we are a learning organization: we are learning to dismantle outdated ideas in our body psyches and the structure of our business. To that end, we seek to extend our network of trusted colleagues and teachers to include a wide variety of people. We also actively seek to dismantle the traditional structures, perspectives, and spaces of the spiritual teaching and coaching community to create a dynamic, safe, supportive space that helps women-identified persons of all races thrive.
There is real potency in dreaming of a free and equitable future for ourselves and the world. As we envision a new future, we must continually push ourselves to speak and act with courage and conviction to make this dream a reality.
Our organization is actively engaged in being an ally.
We continue to work toward embodying equity through the following work:
Resmaa Menakem's work around healing multicultural trauma
Rachel Ricketts Spiritual Activism
Nicole Lee’s Inclusive Life work to support heart-centered business owners.
Ruth King's facilitation of affinity groups.
Learning and facilitating The Work that Reconnects, which supports the end of the industrial growth society that oppresses us all.
Creating an evidence-based continuing education program for coaches and helping professionals focused on understanding and unraveling old paradigms of the dominant culture for coaches and within coaching via my master’s capstone project at Harvard Extension School.