Insight and Inspiration for you: body, mind, and soul.
You Can Do Hard Things
No matter what challenges you face, no matter what changes you wish to see in your life or in the world, first and foremost know, you - we - can do hard things.
Money as a Yoga Practice?
Money requires you to be embodied, present, and aware. I’m advocating a therapeutic yoga practice.. for your money.
Fertile Soil
The power of stillness to clarify and nourish the lives we most want to live.
Claim Your Story
A poem, a collaboration, and a celebration of women’s stories and how our bodies hold and tell our stories.
What do I wear for yoga?
“What do I wear for therapeutic yoga?”
I get this question quite often, and though it sounds glib, here is my heartfelt answer: wear comfortable clothing that you can move in. I love my yoga/workout clothes, but I don’t want to wear them all the time, nor do I feel anyone needs to for therapeutic yoga.
Your life, whether at work or practicing yoga, is your life. Dress for your life, therapeutic yoga included.
Coming home to the body
I know you want your body to stop hurting and cooperate with your best-laid plans. The not-so-secret, secret to less pain and more energy lies in small, intentional movements and the healing force of awareness. Therapeutic yoga is an empowering path to help you reclaim lasting ease in your body and energy for your life.
Wired for growth
Do you resist change? This is so common - change naturally takes us out of our comfort zone. In this note, I want to offer you a reminder that growth and change are the lifeblood of being human—let’s find an approach that offers more grace and wisdom.
You Can Do Hard Things
Whatever your big dream - wherever you feel afraid or not quite up to the task, here is what I know about you... you can do hard things. This (saying no, speaking up, paying off debt, living according to your values, growing the business, writing the book, creating the program, making the ask...) is not the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. Not by a long shot.