Soul Nourished

A virtual retreat for intuitive women wanting a deeper connection to themselves by accessing the soul medicine of the natural world.

Pause, breathe, and listen.
What does the natural — the more-than-human — world know?

Regardless of how fast our society moves, our innate rhythm is tied to the earth and the more-than-human nature we share the planet with—tied to the sun, the stars, and the oceans. Not only are there seasons of the year, but there are seasons of our lives. When we take the time to pause, to breathe, to feel how the years are imprinted on our flesh, to sense our humanity - we come alive. We come alive both in the letting go and the inviting in - whether you feel the call to mark the transition from summer to autumn with intention or a more significant season of life change, you are welcome.

You are welcome to the sacred circle of Soul Nourished.

Why Soul Nourished now?

In recent weeks, I’ve been working on painting and drawing bear.

When I draw or paint, the creature I am working with often speaks to me in meditation, and I do my best to listen. Bear stepped forward to hold the energy of this circle - what a delight! As we move from summer to autumn, our bear kin of the northern hemisphere are soaking up the nourishment of the season before hibernating for the winter.

Bear asks us to mark the season with celebration, care, and intention.

Let’s make time to slow down, remember, and savor. What support will you need moving into this season? What guidance is available for you? Let bear and I hold the magical space for you.

Inviting the expansive wisdom of more-than-human nature to our circle. 

We open to receive with reverent gratitude and delight.

Hand on heart, hand on the earth, let us savor this quiet pause and celebrate all that has been, all that is, and all that will be as we dream the future into being. 

And so it is, and so it shall be. 

You are invited to Soul Nourished.

In this four-week online retreat, you will be held in a powerful container of energetic support. You are invited to connect more deeply with yourself and the guidance that more-than-human nature has for you at this shift of season, and to feel deeply nourished and filled up heading into what is often the most frenetic time of the year for many women.

During Soul Nourished, you will:

Have your intentions for the changing season held in a powerful field of intentional energy. During our time together, your intentions (as a group) will be held in a container of energy medicine that supports and amplifies your intention. As part of the energy medicine, for 21 days, I will offer up transmissions that come through each day on behalf of the group. The women in these groups love the daily energetic transmissions, and you will, too.

Say ahhhhh - sink into three live active imagination sessions that bring you the magic of the moment. These restorative sessions begin with yoga nidra to soften the barriers between you and spirit. Then, you will meet the animal or element stepping forward to support you in the coming season. The second and third sessions will be an opportunity to connect more deeply with yourself and forge a deeper bond with the animal or element of more-than-human nature that has stepped forward with wisdom and guidance that is just for you.

Open and close the Soul Nourished circle with reverence and connection. The women who gather for these circles are kindreds. You will have opportunities on these (two) live calls to connect, as well as name your intentions and claim the wisdom received within the circle itself. This connection and sharing sets the stage for the transformative energy to blossom and support you.

Connect with more-than-human nature beyond the imaginal realm. Listen, energy work is fabulous but what makes magic is how we work with it in the day to day. What calls to you? You are invited to build an altar, create art, or connect with your more-than-human guide in a journaling practice. This is serious creative play! These invitations support your connection to yourself and the guidance coming alive through your relationship with more-than-human nature.

Have access to a private channel on Telegram to connect. On this private channel you will be able to access the daily energy medicine transmissions, connect with the other participants, share your experiences, and ask your questions. This ongoing connection provides priceless support for your journey,

Registration is closed. To be notified when Soul Nourished opens again in early 2025, please sign up below.

The elements of Soul Nourished

Energy Medicine

Using crystalline energy medicine, I anchor in your overarching intention to be supported throughout Soul Nourished. I also include dditional intentions based on what is illuminated by other unseen, divine allies.


During Soul Nourished, make space to connect with your guides and allies, with like-minded others and the numinous. Connection is one of the most healing, and joyful, parts of life on earth. In this season, let yourself be filled by connection.

Active Imagination

What sets this work apart is the information that comes through active imagination just for you. The live sessions are deeply relaxing, opening you to the profound imagery, energy, or knowing that your guides gift you. 

It’s me, Nona

I hold a master’s degree in psychology and am a master-certified coach. I want you to experience all that Soul Nourished has to offer because it’s fair to say that the connections, wisdom, and practices we will explore during this group have changed my life.

I am a yoga, breath, and meditation facilitator, and I bring these spiritual practices into my work because they work. Time after time, these practices have buoyed me and supported me through challenging transitions and times when a deep sense of uncertainty threatened my well-being. Research has validated the power of these practices to help us navigate challenges and thrive during and after.

But really, I love to play at the dynamic intersection of the mystical connection to more-than-human nature (including your spiritual guides and allies) and our rich, fully human lives here on earth. And that’s where we will adventure during our time in Soul Nourished.

I hope you’ll come and join me for Soul Nourished and experience the incredible magic we’ll make together.

Say yes to Soul Nourished

Are you feeling the inner call? You can expect:

  • Five live connection and practice calls held on Zoom. Nourishing practice, teachings, and exercises to support your journey from scarcity to abundance. Can’t make it live? Calls will be recorded and made available in the course resource area.

  • Weekly introductions to the teachings and practices. Nothing is better than having different ways to engage with and digest what you are learning.

  • Crystalline energy medicine. This powerful energy work will hold and amplify intentions for the group and your intentions for Soul Nourished. As a part of this energy medicine, you will receive a daily video over a 21-day period that transmits the healing power of the group energy medicine.

  • Private online gathering space hosted on Telegram. A circle for you to share your insights, ask questions, and connect with like-minded others who are on the journey of Soul Nourished this autumn.

Join me on October 9, 11, 18, 25, and November 1 at 11 am pacific/2 pm eastern

What women say about these energetic retreats

“Rare, practical magic…”

The energy healing has continued to work in my life. I’ve continued to have some truly lovely heart openings, fulfilling the intentions I set and shared with you. WOW! I‘m not really surprised as I’m no stranger to energy healing - I have worked with some wonderful energy healers along the way, BUT I gotta tell you that this experience, and YOU, surprised me.

Nona, you are a gifted energy healer - a true energy medicine woman! You have a groundedness that many energy healers struggle to find/and or maintain. Yours is a practical magic that is rare. And your caring is heartfelt and generous — again, rare for those who easily travel above the tangible world.

-Lisa Bourdon, Therapist

“Deep peace to my bones and the cells of my body…”

THANK YOU for creating this magical retreat! I LOVED ALL OF IT. 

Each part of this experience was special and sacred in its own way, and their integration gave my heart, soul, and body an experience of being held in the most sacred of ways. I noticed little by little each day that my energy was shifting. I was less floaty and more grounded. I felt fear being released. I started to breathe more deeply. I noticed a lot less anxiety. The workings of this course activated the callings of my heart and soul and, at the same time, released fear that was in the space between me and my dreams.

This experience opened me to new ways to hold things for myself. I now have ways to see things with new eyes...mind opening...and most of brought deep peace to my bones and the cells of my body.

I can't thank you enough...truly.

-Denise Hughes, coach

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Energy medicine is the term I use for the various modalities that I incorporate into my work to support clients, including Reiki, Crystalline Consciousness Technique, active imagination, breathwork, and yoga nidra.

    Energy medicine, in this case, is an energy healing modality (Crystalline Consciousness Technique) based on your intentions and the intentions I hold for the group. I’ve been using this particular modality to hold and support client and group intentions for over 14 years, and it is both safe and effective. I’ve had visionary and channeling capability my whole life, and part of this work that people love are the transmission of energy through intuitive visions that support you with the path ahead.

  • Former students often tell me that the groups I bring together are some of the safest they’ve ever experienced. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t be uncomfortable because that is often (if not always) part of our growth and learning.

    Back to the question of safety. I strive to create space where everybody experiences safety through consent, community agreements, and honoring individual choice.

    If you have questions about feeling safe, please reach out. I’m happy to speak with you about your concerns and address them.

  • The investment you make in this course is non-refundable. Just as I make a measured investment of my time and energy into creating the space for you to take the course, I would ask that you read the description carefully and take a beat to make a wise choice about the course for you at this time.

    All the elements of this energetic retreat are delivered online y and you will have access to course resources as long as I utilize this platform. Please take the time you need to make sure this decision is a clear yes for you. If you have questions that I don’t answer in the information above, please do reach out. I want you to make a great decision about whether this course is right for you.

  • After you sign up for the course, you will receive an email inviting you to create your account to access the course resources. Once you create your account, you will be given information regarding Zoom links, Telegram, and how to access the call recordings.

    Right before the course begins, I will add everyone to a private Telegram space.

    And of course, once you sign up if there is ever a question about access or where to find something, you can always reach out to me.

Do you have questions I haven’t addressed?

Please reach out and connect. I want you to have the information you need to make an excellent decision about signing up for Soul Nourished.

Click here to contact me.