Attune to the Wisdom of Your Body

Community-supported movement, breath, and stillness to live true to your sweet human body.

What would it mean to truly be on your own side?

In the West, we’ve largely considered our relationship with the body to be something to be fixed or ignored.

With mobility concerns, injuries, chronic illness, and dysregulated nervous systems on the rise, of course, you want answers that support you and your body in feeling better. But our bodies are not like cars that can be taken into the shop for a quick fix. Seventy percent of the information flow in your body is from the body to the brain - seventy percent! The body is your sacred and wise vessel for living the life you truly desire. These group sessions - be they movement, stillness, or breath - invite you to come home to yourself with kindness and curiosity to learn to listen to the wisdom of your body. I welcome you to these healing community sessions.

These bespoke group sessions are not your average yoga class.

Intentional therapeutic movement, breath, and stillness in the sacred community container is an invitation to practice patterns of moving through the world that decrease pain and increase the sweetness in all areas of your life. Now that you are older, wiser, and (potentially) more prone to injury, it’s time to turn toward yourself with the care you typically only reserve for others. Now is your time to slow down and cultivate a deeper awareness and connection with your body — the body that is your sacred vessel and devoted companion on this incredible journey of life. Are you ready to listen?

I would love to welcome you to the therapeutic healing sessions.

Why a Yogic Approach?

Oh, I’m sorry. Is that an elephant in the room?

I’ve practiced yoga in some form or fashion for thirty years. More than any other activity, I have injured myself practicing asana in group classes when the expectation is following instructions instead of knowing my own body. I cringe to tell you how often I also injured myself teaching classes by demonstrating postures outside of what my body could safely do at that moment. Afraid of injury, I gave up on practicing asana for many years, opting for philosophical studies, yoga nidra, and meditation.

Through a series of injuries (ironic, I know), I returned to a physical practice, looking for something that would actually support and nourish my body.

I found and fell in love with therapeutic yoga—a slow, awareness-based practice of somatic movement, breath, and stillness. Through this practice, I have come to experience so much ease and freedom in my body's movement, and this deep listening enables me to live well in this sweet human body I call home.

From my heart to yours, I promise yoga is not what you see on Instagram.

This practice has changed how I move through the world, so I was compelled to go beyond my 200-hour yoga teacher designation and become a yoga therapist. And here we are—movement, breath, and stillness with a skillful master coach and teacher to bring you home and help you connect more deeply with your amazing, wise, body. Knowing (and trusting) the language of your body is the path to clarity and joy that makes life meaningful.

Somatic movement, breath, and stillness to know the wisdom of your body.

In this special 6-session series of community Yoga Nidra classes, you will unravel tension in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. This unraveling supports a regulated nervous system, a joyful, well-rested body, and a clear-thinking mind. These group sessions are an empowering way to refine a new pattern of moving through the world as more of who you truly are when you are rested and connected to your sweet Self. This is an invitation to develop a relationship of power with your body instead of the status quo, which tells us to push through and power over. You will find that you experience less pain and more ease and energy. You will feel — and be — more connected with your innate well-being, leading to greater clarity and connection to your authentic knowing.

As part of Community sessions, you will:

Access your body’s wisdom through yogic movement, breath, and stillness. This series is focused exclusively on Yoga Nidra. Prioritize slowing down and moving with intention through the holidays. As patterns of tension and dysregulation unravel in the body, they unravel in our lives as we create new patterns of ease, flow, and presence. Often, pain or symptoms reduce just in the resting, and new confidence and peace arrive.

Connect with your Community. Yes, we meet over Zoom, which makes it convenient and easy for you to make it to class, but what makes this series special is the invitation to be with the women you are in community with. We begin classes with a check-in from every body in the room, and we end the class with reflection and sharing. The most essential part of practice happens outside of the practice in how we connect with ourselves and others and how we move through the world.

Have access to a private channel on Telegram to connect. The women who gather for these circles are kindreds. On this private channel, you can connect with the other beautiful humans in your group, and I will offer bite-sized practices and reminders throughout our six weeks together. This ongoing connection provides priceless support for your journey,

It’s not your neighborhood yoga studio class — it’s something way better.

Ready to practice together?

Here’s what you can expect as part of these healing community sessions:

  • Six live Yoga Nidra calls held on Zoom. For the holiday season, let’s rest together. Join a community devoted to moving through the holidays well-rested, clear-minded, and peaceful. Nothing is better than a juicy, restorative yoga nidra practice!

  • Private, online gathering space hosted on Telegram. A circle for you to share your insights,and connect with like-minded others.

  • Practice resources just for you. Each session, I curate a library, including breath, body awareness, and teachings, for you to access.

Holiday session: November 3, 17, 24 December 1, 8, & 15

Expect sessions to be 60 - 75 minutes
Sessions are held at 9 am Pacific/12 pm Eastern

All Yoga Nidra sessions will be recorded and made available to you.

Community Therapeutic Healing Sessions

During the holiday season, join the community for 6 beautiful yoga nidra sessions to remain grounded, easeful, and centered.

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What women say about therapeutic healing sessions

“I signed up for Nona's therapeutic sessions not knowing exactly what to expect and yet also knowing it was going to be exactly what I wanted and needed. And of course, it exceeded my expectations.

Nona is magical and loving and I swear there is one thing that emerges from each session that literally changes my relationship with life (seriously, it's that good!). And the best part is that it is deepening my embodiment practices in such a gentle and profound way that I know that I will forever be using everything I have learned and practiced with her mastery of mind, body, spirit.

I had very specific physical pain going on in my body before we started, and the work together has helped to alleviate many of these areas while restoring my body to its natural state of being. I couldn't recommend this body-centered healing work enough!”

-Stacey Andon, Master Coach

“Thank you, Nona, for this beautiful group series. I appreciate it all. Shout out to all the fellow yoginis too! Therapeutic yoga with Nona has been an awesome mind-body-shifter and healing experience for me. As a person with an autoimmune condition and resultant permanent joint damage, pain is often a companion.

Continuing on with group sessions after individual sessions, this series of therapeutic group yoga was so impactful. I learned more about my own body through my own experience and hearing the experiences of others. I found the live sessions and messages in between so helpful in relearning how to be with this sweet body that I inhabit (or boss around with my brain mostly).

I feel my body enjoying being part of an integrated conversation, and I have slowed enough to listen to the “yellow lights” and the messages. Thank you so very much for this brilliance that you bring—your kindness in bringing specific focus areas that serve everyone in the group and for the way you lead us and our wholeness in a circle of goodness and community.

-Helen Samson Mullen, PhD.

“I just wanted to thank you for working with me over the past few months with your Therapeutic Yoga Sessions.  It has been a very healing experience, and I'm grateful that this was part of my self-care routine over the past few months.  Your combined coaching with movement was just what I needed as I'm navigating new territory in my personal and professional life.”

-Jennifer Visitacion, Leadership Coach

“I am a huge YES to Nona Therapy! At 61, I wouldn’t have believed the movement and principles that Nona teaches would make such a big difference in how I move. It’s like I was given a secret code to understand my body.

As a newbie athlete, I feel incredibly lucky to have found this approach to improve my walking, hiking, and jogging. I have less pain, more ease, and increased joy with every movement of my body. Do yourself a favor and give this a try. It WILL make a positive difference.

Oh, and Nona rocks!”

-Lauren Monack, Certified Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There may be a time when I do record them, but at this time given the nature of the classes via Zoom, it's simply better if you can be there in person.

    Also, this isn't just a movement class - we begin and end every class with connection and reflection. Though movement is how we spend a large part of any given session the connection itself is part of the healing equation. You will benefit from being there and so will we.

  • Former students often tell me that the groups I bring together are some of the safest they’ve ever experienced. I strive to create safety through consent and personal autonomy for everyone. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t be uncomfortable because that is often (if not always) part of our growth and learning.

    If you have questions about feeling safe, please reach out. I’m happy to speak with you about your concerns and address them.

  • The investment you make in this set of classes is non-refundable. Just as I make a measured investment of my time and energy into creating the space for you to be in the circle, I would ask that you read the description carefully and take a beat to make a wise choice about the course for you at this time.

  • After you sign up for the classes, you will receive an email from me with call information. Right before the course begins, I will add everyone to a private Telegram space.

    And of course, once you sign up if there is ever a question about access or where to find something, you can always reach out to me.

Do you have questions I haven’t addressed?

Please reach out and connect. I want you to have the information you need to make an excellent decision.

Click here to contact me.